Jim's Angel Eskie - Chelsea
This is Jim Guilliatt Jr's brood. At the top, Jim's beloved angel Chelsea, his inspiration to rescue Eskies, and begin a Heart Bandits chapter in Nebraska. She is the guardian angel to all the Eskies we bring in to rescue, and a big inspiration to Jim.
Diva Minnie, Charlie, and Brady
Charlie and Brady

Smile for the Camera!
This is Issabelle, Madonna Kilpatrick's best friend, co-conspirator, and confidant. She is a product of the same Puppy Mill we helped shut down in June 2010, and despite some health and behavior problems, remains intelligent, loving, and full of life.

"There is no better psychiatrist in the world than a puppy who licks your face." - Ben Williams, American Writer, 1901

All articles and information contained on this website are the sole property of Madonna Kilpatrick, not to be used without express permission (C) 2010. Some images are the property of Jim Guilliatt (C) 2010. Not for distribution without credit. To reuse any image or information contained herein, contact us prior to use for permission.